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[設計]ID 2009 Annual Design Review Call for Entries(08/12/01)


CONSUMER PRODUCTS: appliances, housewares, electronics, sports orrecreational products, wearables/fashion, toys, mobile devices, musicalinstruments, computers, and transportation devices for personaluse: cars, planes, boats, skateboards, bicycles, etc.

GRAPHICS (samples required): books, magazines, typefaces, posters,advertisements, T-shirts, CD/DVD covers/inserts, stationery, logos/identity programs, annual reports, fliers, invitations, billboards,signage, film titles, and motion graphics

PACKAGING (samples required): graphic and structural packaging forretail, wholesale, promotional, and industrial use, including containers,boxes, bags, bottles, tubes, labels, and book/CD/DVD packages

FURNITURE: contract and residential furnishings (individual piecesor sets); lighting and bath fixtures; and wall, floor, window, andfurniture coverings (including textiles, carpets, tiles, laminates,etc.)

ENVIRONMENTS: architectural projects, interiors, commercial/retailenvironments, temporary or permanent exhibits or galleries, wayfindingsystems, landscape design, and public open spaces

EQUIPMENT: business, medical, industrial, military, and scientificproducts; instruments, apparatuses, and computers for commercial use;and mass-transit vehicles

INTERACTIVE: websites, widgets, viral marketing and promotions,interactive installations and kiosks, software, video games, robotics,and mapping applications. Note: All motion graphics should besubmitted to the Graphics category.

CONCEPTS (NEW REQUIREMENTS): All entrants to this year's Conceptscategory must address the following brief: Design a graphic, object,or environment that would improve the experience of air travel. Onlyunproduced, unpublished projects are eligible for submission.

STUDENT WORK (NEW CATEGORY, FORMERLY THE STUDENT DESIGN REVIEW):All student design work, undergraduate or graduate, in the areas ofindustrial design, graphic design, interactive design, architecture,interiors, and fashion, is eligible for submission.


Consumer products, equipment, and furniture must have been releasedto the market during the 2008 calendar year. Graphic, interactive,and packaging designs must have been published or distributed withinthis period. Environmentalsubmissions must have been realized duringthis period. Concepts must have been completed during this period.Student work must be the result of a classroom/academic assignmentand must have been completed during the 2007-2008 academic year.Students must include a photocopy of an official student I.D. fromthat year. Any submission that does not meet these criteria will bedisqualified.


Entry fee is $100 for each submission, except in the Student Workcategory. For the Student Work category, the fee is $25 for eachsubmission. Late entries (postmarked after December 1, 2008) mustinclude a $25 late fee ($15 late fee for student entries). Entriespostmarked after December 15, 2008, will be accepted only on a case-by-case basis. There is a $10 fee for all returned checks or declinedcredit cards.


For each category, a panel of distinguished design professionals willchoose a winner or winners in three award levels: Best of Category,Design Distinction, and Honorable Mention. The Best of Category winnerin the Student Work category will receive a cash prize of $1,000and a year's subscription to I.D. All submissions will be prescreenedby I.D.'s editors. Award winners will be featured in the July/August2009 issue of I.D. magazine and may appear on www.id-mag.com. Allwinners will receive an award certificate. Winners will be notifiedby May 1, 2009.

Send Entries To:
I.D. Annual Design Review
4700 East Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
  1. Fill out the entry form completely. Forms may be downloadedfrom www.id-mag.com, photocopied, or scanned. Note: Registration andpayment are now available online. Attach additional sheets if youwish to provide more project or credit information. Please avoidusing letterhead to ensure anonymity during the judging.
  2. Include one original and three photocopies of your completedentry form with your submission.
  3. If you are submitting images with your entry (see "What toSubmit"), send color photos or printouts that are labeled only withthe project name; no other identifying information should appear. Donot send digital files.
  4. Enclose a check drawn through a U.S. bank or an internationalmoney order made out to I.D. magazine. (Your canceled check or bankstatement will be your only receipt.) Or submit a credit card numberwith expiration date. (The charge will appear on your statementas "F+W Contests.") One check may be used to cover multiple entriesif all entries are sent in the same package. Foreign checks and banktransfers are not acceptable.
  5. A design may be submitted in multiple categories. Enclose aseparate form and fee for each category entered.
  6. If you are submitting multiple designs, please be sure that aduplicate of the appropriate paperwork accompanies each sample submitted.
  7. If you would like samples to be returned, enclose a prepaidairbill as well as a $15 handling fee for each sample. Photos, CDs,and printed images will NOT be returned. Airbills must be FedEx orUPS. If you are using an in-house FedEx or UPS number, please includeit on your entry form. Returns will be completed by August 2009.
  8. Questions? Contact: Joan Gay, I.D. Annual DesignReview, 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
    phone: (513) 531-2690, ext. 11402
    fax: (513) 531-0798
    email: IDcompetitions@fwpubs.com.

CONSUMER PRODUCTS, FURNITURE, AND EQUIPMENT: Send the actualmanufactured product whenever possible. Otherwise, send color photosor printouts (do not send digital images). If an individual sampleexceeds 50 lbs: Please contact Joan Gay, (513) 531-2690, ext. 1402for further instruction.
GRAPHICS AND PACKAGING: Send two actual samples of the project. Forbillboards or other large-scale projects, send color photos or printouts.Samples should be unmounted.
ENVIRONMENTS: Include a portfolio of color photos or printouts plusinstallation views, drawings, and blueprints/floor plans, circulationroutes, and major design/construction features. All images should beclearly identified by project name only.
INTERACTIVE: Submit CDs/DVDs, URL s, videos, promotional demos, andgames. Digital materials should be formatted for the Mac platformwhere at all possible.
CONCEPTS: All submissions must address the new criteria for thiscategory (See "Category Descriptions"). Include appropriate samples,drawings, renderings, mock-ups, photos, and an extensive descriptionof how your design addresses the specified brief. Please do not submitoriginal models if fragile.
STUDENT WORK: For all submissions, send the actual object if itweighs less than 25 pounds. If actual object is not sent, pleasesend color printouts. In all cases, include copies of your originalsketches, process drawings/books, etc. Non-print graphics submissions(film, video, motion graphics) must be accompanied by a DVD or MacformattedCD and screen-grabs on a CD. Architecture submissions mustinclude installation views, copies of concept/process drawings, and/or blueprints/floor plans.


Jurors are far more likely to select work they can see, feel, andoperate. For products, equipment, and furniture categories, actualsamples are strongly recommended. For graphics and packaging categories,they are required.

  1. Information provided on your entry form may appear in the July/August 2009 issue of I.D. magazine and on www.id-mag.com. Creditinformation may be edited for length. I.D. is not responsible forincorrect information on entry forms that misrepresents the copyrightor original ownership of ideas or products. I.D. assumes that allentries are original and are the work and property of the entrant,with all rights granted therein. I.D. is not liable for any copyrightinfringement on the part of the entrant.
  2. I.D. assumes that all images provided with entries are free ofcopyright infringement and that the entrant has secured permissionfor submitted images to appear in the July/August 2009 issue of I.D.magazine and on www.id-mag.com. I.D. will print photographer creditsif that information is provided on the designated line of the entryform.
  3. All submitted materials become the property ofI.D. magazine and will be returned only upon receiptof a self-addressed prepaid airbill or envelope and a $15handling fee for each product sample (see "Instructionsfor Entering"). I.D. magazine is NOT responsible for lostor damaged entries.

