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[遊戲]ScreenBurn at SXSW Game Design Competition(08/12/05)

sb_logo.gifThe ScreenBurn at SXSW Game Design Competition provides a venue for emerging designers to pitch their concept to a jury of established professionals. Participants in this event are challenged to excite the imagination with a description of the game they want to build.

Getting involved in the Game Design Competition is incredibly easy! Using the form below, tell us about your amazing idea for a new game. This is an exercise in blue sky creative thinking -- imagine what kind of cool all-new video game you would put together if you had an unlimited budget and unlimited resources. Please give us as much detail as possible about your idea, but entries cannot exceed 200 words. Spelling, good grammar and complete sentences are important -- so please proofread your submission before you hit the send button. There is no fee to enter the Game Design Competition. But, each person can only submit two ideas.

Timeline / How the Game Design Competition Works

  • The entry process runs from Friday, August 1 through Friday, December 5.
  • 10 Semi-finalists for each category of the Game Design Competition will be announced on Friday, January 16. These semi-finalists will then construct a slideshow presentation that graphically illustrates their concept which includes art, slides, and notes.
  • Slideshow presentation is due by Friday, February 27. All semi-finalists who submit a final presentation will be given a 2009 Interactive Festival registration (which includes admission to all ScreenBurn at SXSW activities)
  • The four finalists in each category will be announced on (or before) March 13.
  • During ScreenBurn at SXSW, these four finalists will present their ideas and PowerPoint Presentations to a jury of professional and modern game designers, to judge and provide meaningful game design feedback. Grand prize winner in each category determined by jury vote and audience reaction.

