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[設計]The Act of Eating(97/4/30)

Application Procedures
Located in the center of Japan and boasting a population of 2.23 million people, Nagoya reveres its heritage of long-standing traditions.
The metropolis is known as a world-class industrial center with industries ranging from textiles and ceramics to furniture, transportation equipment, and computers.
The World Design Exposition was held here in 1989, proclaiming Nagoya to be a "Design City". Since then, a series of design-related events, making the city even more design-oriented, have been held.

"NAGOYA DESIGN DO!" is a program designed to provide an opportunity for young, talented designers to develop their skills and exchange ideas with one another. It targets young people from around the globe and is held in the form of a competition every two years. Each competition is based on a theme that reflects issues related to the current generation or society, soliciting fresh ideas and new value concepts from around the world. 

The 6th NAGOYA DESIGN DO! will be held in Nagoya in 2008. In this international design competition, the most outstanding works will be selected and formally recognized, and the winning artists will be invited to participate in a unique workshop held here. The experience of peoples from different corners of the world, bringing with them a wide range of ideals and insights, meeting and working together so intensively, will no doubt be a highly valuable one. In addition, all competition winners will be registered in "Nagoya Brain," our human resource database, providing them with possible opportunities to participate in future projects held in Nagoya.

Participating in this competition can be the "gateway to success" for many young designers, and is an opportunity for them to show off their talent. We are looking forward to receiving new and inspirational works for this competition.

1. Theme

The Act of Eating

Gist of the Theme

Who are your eating with right now and what are you eating?
A full-course meal on a date, an "at-home" dinner with the entire family, or, perhaps a fast food hamburger, all alone?

When and where are you eating?
A feast at a festival or big celebration? Lunch at school or your place of work?
Or, perhaps you are staring down at a new and interesting delicacy while on holiday.
Maybe you're eating in a hospital room, or consuming emergency rations at an evacuation center after an earthquake or flood. Maybe you're taking a meal in a refugee camp or in the desert, or even in space. Try to imagine your next meal... anywhere in the universe.

What kind of utensils are you using to eat this meal?
Your favorite fork or chopsticks? Disposable dishes?
Special utensils made specifically for the disabled, elderly, or ill?
Take a moment and give some thought to the dishes and utensils you use on a daily basis.

And, exactly where do all the provisions come from, and where do they go once you are done with them? Are those foods actually safe to eat? Aren't you worried about the technology that can genetically modify natural ingredients?
Have you ever given serious consideration to the waste created by your leftovers or the packaging your groceries come in? What happens to all the garbage that remains after each meal?
Think about the ways you can preserve and protect what we have now-and what we will be leaving the children of the future.

Although the act of eating is the most basic activity for all living things, it is also our one of greatest pleasures.
What is the highest form of "eating" for you? Perhaps it is the quest for the most wonderful delicacies in the world, or, maybe it is to be thankful for the fruits of nature we receive everyday and to not be wasteful.
Yet, there are those who suffer because they cannot eat even though they crave food: People who suffer from starvation due to poverty, people who cannot enjoy food because of old age or illness, people who are restricted by food allergies, or those on a diet who must deny themselves certain foods on a daily basis.
Eating is directly connected to our memories and what we eat and how we eat is part of our traditions and culture.
Try to remember those nostalgic flavors from your childhood or your mother's homemade dishes.
Do you even know the origins of specialty foods from your region?

The world is so rich in ceremonies and rituals concerning food and meals, as well as in the manners we use for accepting and enjoying the food we eat. The act of eating is tied to everything from religion and culture to history, politics, and education...even to the environment in general.
On top of this, we each add our own eating habits as well.

Eating is Living.
Show us your ideas concerning eating through designs with new perspectives.

2. Categories qualified for entry
No restrictions are placed on the design area or specialty; all areas of design are applicable for entry.
The scope of application isn't limited to existing design areas, and innovative design based on the competition theme is encouraged.
3. Works qualified for entry
Only new works that have not yet been made public can be submitted. In other words, as of the time of the final screening results announcement, only works that have not been made into commercial products and works that have not been mentioned in newspapers or magazines, nor placed in other exhibitions, will be accepted. Design publicity intended to protect original design rights will be ignored, and will not affect the "nonpublic" status of the work. Applicants should not submit the same work to any other current competitions. Submissions should be exclusive to this competition.
*Works can be published or used for commercial purposes after the final screening results have been announced.
4. Applicant qualifications
Any individual or group, under the age of 40, can apply.
*Applicants must be the age of 39 or below as of Wednesday, April 30, 2008, the submission deadline of the first screening. For groups, each individual must be the age 39 or below.
*Applicants should not collaborate on their works with competition personnel and judges, or with members of their families.
5. Allowable number of submissions
Only one work per applicant (individual or group) can be submitted.
6. Official Languages
The official languages of the competition are English and Japanese.
7. Screening
7-1. Screening method
There are two steps in the screening for the competition, the "first screening" and the "final screening". In the first screening, the works will be judged as they are presented on either the website or CD-ROMs. In the final screening, works that pass the first screening will be judged in the form of a panel and an optionally submitted model or the actual work.

7-2. Screening criteria
The criteria will be: conformity to theme, social applicability, originality, innovative quality, and functionality, among others.
The detailed interpretation of each will be left to the discretion of the judges.
8. Judges
The panel of judges consists of 5 judges for the first screening, and 5 judges for the final screening.

[ The first screening / Panel of Judges ]
・ Koji Mizutani (Art director) Japan
・ Michio Akita (Product designer) Japan
・ Yasuyuki Ito (Architect / Associate professor, Nagoya City University) Japan
・ Oki Sato (Designer / nendo)Japan
・ Astrid Klein (Director / Klein-Dytham Architecture) Italy / Resident in Japan

[ The final screening / Panel of Judges ]
・ Koji Mizutani (Art director) Japan
・ Tomoko Azumi (Designer) Japan / Resident in U.K
・ Astrid Klein (Director / Klein-Dytham Architecture) Italy / Resident in Japan
・ Apex Lin, Pang-Soong (Graphic Designer / Professor of National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Fine Arts) Taiwan
・ Michael Young (Industrial designer) U.K / Resident in Hong Kong
9. Prizes
9-1. Monetary Prize
・Grand Prix (one award)
・Gold Prize (two awards)
・Silver Prize (five awards)
2 million yen
500,000 yen each
100,000 yen each
・Honorable Mention (approx. fifteen awards) Memento for each recipient
*Taxes are included in the awards.

9-2. Invitation to the workshop

The grand prix, gold and silver award winners will be invited to a workshop held at the International Design Center NAGOYA. (For group winners, only one representative can participate.)
*Competition organizers will bear costs for air travel to Japan as well as travel and accommodations within Japan. However, cash reimbursements will not be provided. (Description of the Workshop)
The workshop will be held for about one week in November 2008. (The date has not yet been confirmed.)
10. First screening application acceptance period
Applications for the first screening will be accepted between Tuesday, April 1, 2008 and Wednesday, April 30, 2008.
*No entries will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2008 (JST).
Allow plenty of time for time differences and mailing time when submitting your work.
11. How to apply for the first screening
11-1. Application fee
There is no fee required.

11-2. Method for submission

Works for the first screening may be submitted (1) via our website, or (2) via CD-ROM.

(1) Application via our website

No more than one entry per transmission will be accepted.
Present each work using up to five files. Please make sure to use the special entry form on the website when applying online.
*Restrictions apply to data volume, so be sure to follow the guidelines (refer to the guidelines in Section 12).
Submissions that do not conform to these guidelines will not be accepted. In this case, a notification of receipt will not be issued.
-The entry form must be filled out in either Japanese or English.
-When submitting a group work, select one person to be the representative and write his or her name in the "Applicant's name" section of the entry form. (Also write down the names of the other members in the group.)
-The online entry form will only be available during the application acceptance period, which is between Tuesday, April 1, 2008 and Wednesday, April 30, 2008 (JST). The application deadline for submitting entries is 5:00 p.m., April 30, 2008 (JST). No entries will be accepted after this time. Make allowances for time differences and required transmission time when submitting your work.
*We expect to be inundated with entries just before the deadline. Since there may be some problems with online access, please try to send your entry as early as possible.

Entry Form for the First Judging

The online entry form will only be active during the application acceptance period,
which is between April 1, 2008 and April 30, 2008(JST). The form will be inactive at other times.
For further details, please refer to "Application via the website".

(2) Application via CD-ROM
Please include the following on one CD-ROM in either MAC or Windows format: graphic contents of one work (up to 5 files) and application text data.
Be sure to name the files in an easily understandable sequential order.
*Restrictions apply to media formats and file formats, so be sure to follow the guidelines (refer to the guidelines in Section 12).

Make sure to include the completed application form on the CD-ROM that contains the graphic files of your work.
In addition, please print out the completed application form and include it in the envelope with the CD-ROM. The address and name of the applicant must be completed in either English or Japanese. No other languages will be accepted.
-When submitting a group work, select one person to be the representative and write his or her name in the "Applicant's name" section of the entry form. (Also write down the names of the other members in the group.)

Download the application form
12. Requirements to apply via the website or CD-ROM
There are different requirements and conditions depending on how you apply.
Follow the guidelines below.

How to apply via our website:
Submission media: Use the registration form on our website.
Please submit the application in a format that is JAVA script valid.
Data requirements/file type:
All files must be in JPEG format. Please confirm the file extension when sending a MAC file.
Data capacity:
Only one submission (work) will be accepted per transmission.
*Each work must be presented in 5 files or less, and each graphic file must be 400KB or less.
*Image length and width: the longer of the two must be 800 pixels or less.
Be sure to include your completed registration form (in either Japanese or English only) in the transmission along with your presentation files.

How to Apply with CD-ROM using either MAC or Windows format:
Submission media: send us CD-ROM using either MAC or Windows format via postal service.
Data requirements/file type:
All files must be in JPEG format.
Please confirm the file extension when sending a MAC file.
Data capacity:
*Each work must be presented in 5 files or less, and each graphic file must be 400KB or less. Only one entry (work) will be accepted per CD-ROM.
*Image length and width: the longer of the two must be 800 pixels or less.
Download the application form from our website and complete in either English or Japanese only. Include the text data of the completed registration form on the CD-ROM as well as in printed formatted.

*Please follow all of the above rules carefully.
*Anonymity: do not include any wording or symbols that could identify you as the applicant on any of the screen images in the graphic files you are submitting.
13. Schedule
  • Period for accepting application for the first screening:
    From Tuesday, April 1, 2008 to Wednesday, April 30, 2008
  • First screening date:
    Mid-June, 2008
  • Notification of the first screening result:
    Late June, 2008
  • Deadline for submitting work for the final screening
    On Tuesday, September 9, 2008
  • Final screening date:
    Early October, 2008
  • Notification of the final screening results:
    Mid-October, 2008
  • Workshop, Awards Ceremony, Exhibition:
    Scheduled for late November, 2008
    (at International Design Center NAGOYA)
14. Sending and storing submitted works
The work you want to submit and the application form must both arrive by the stipulated deadline. The applicant should pay for the costs of sending the work. Any loss or damage incurred while the work is in transit, and before we receive the work, is the responsibility of the applicant.
Consequently, the applicant should secure insurance on the work if needed. After receipt of the work, the sponsors will make every effort to take good care of it, but the sponsors will not be responsible for loss or damage caused by natural disasters, or other factors over which we have no control. In case the work that you send us arrives damaged, we will immediately notify you as to the extent of the damage.
15. Similarity of works submitted for the first and final screening
It is possible to upgrade works for the final screening, such as by adding some "finishing touches", for works that pass the first screening, but any large diversions from the original concept or form will not be allowed.
16. Notification of receipt of works and notification of screening results
The applicants will be notified as stated below when their works for the first screening are received.
(1) Application via the website
Your confirmation number will be displayed on the registration form screen after your registration is completed.
(2) Application via CD-ROM (by post)
Your confirmation number will be notified via e-mail or postal delivery.
*The results of the first screening will be notified via e-mail or postal delivery to each applicant as applicable.
*Individual inquiries by telephone will not be accepted.
17. Announcement of award-wining works

All works submitted for the final screening, including the award winning works, will be displayed at International Design Center NAGOYA. They will also be recorded in the catalog of works and posted on our Internet web site.
Regarding the exhibition and publicity of works that did not win an award in the final screening, consent will be confirmed by checking the application for the final screening to see whether the applicant gave such permission in advance.

18. Return of works
18-1. Works for the first screening
Works submitted for the first screening will not be returned.

18-2. Works for the final screening

Works submitted for the final screening will be returned only to those applicants who have requested their works to be returned, within six months of the closing of the exhibition. However, the grand prix work and the gold prize works will not be returned. If you want your work to be returned, write, "Please Return My Work" on the application form for the final screening. The cost of returning works shall be borne by the applicant. No other works shall be returned.
19. Your rights
The rights for the submitted work, including copyrights and industrial property rights, belong to the applicant. Consequently, the applicant has the responsibility to protect such rights. In this respect, it is advisable to register the designs and take other necessary measures before submitting your works to the competition. Also be aware that if you use third party photographs or printed literature in your work, you could be infringing on other copyrights. The rights to exhibit and publish the award-winning works and the works from the final screening, and the rights related to printing and publishing in media issued or approved by the sponsor, will belong to both the applicant and the sponsor, and by applying for this competition, the applicant acknowledges this fact.
20. Other (Disqualification)
If any of the following conditions apply to the entry, it will be removed from the screening procedure and any awards that may have been given can later be revoked.
(1)Works that do not meet all entrance qualifications.
(2)Works that are identical to or show similarity to a design that has been previously published in any manner.
(3)Works that are identified as infringing on another individual's copyrights, industrial property rights, etc.
(4)Works submitted to final review but banned from exhibition or posting in publications on the Internet, etc.
21. Where to send your work for the first screening
21-1. Via the website
When applying via our website, make sure to use the entry form on the website: www.idcn.jp/compe/
*The application deadline for submitting entries is 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2008, (JST).
No entries will be accepted after this time.

21-2. Via CD-ROM (by post)
Please send to the following address:
Nagoya International Design Competition Secretariat
International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.
Design Center Building 6F, 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya,
460-0008 Japan (Telephone: +81-52-265-2105)
22-1. Questions
If you have any questions regarding any items in the application, you can send us an e-mail or fax. We will not respond to telephone inquiries.

22-2. Correspondence Addresses

Nagoya International Design Competition Secretariat
International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.
Design Center Building 6F, 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0008, Japan
E-mail for inquiries: designdo2008@idcn.jp
Fax for inquiries: +81-52-265-2107
23. How to apply for the final screening
Only applicants whose works have passed the first screening are allowed to apply for the final screening. Details concerning the final screening will be sent to applicants who pass in the first screening.

23-1. Application form for the final screening

Applicants who pass the first screening will receive their application forms with a "Pass Notice" from the competition secretariat. Make sure to fill in your exhibition number for the first screening (which is sent to applicants by the competition secretariat) on the application form. Also make sure to completely fill out every pertinent item.

23-2. Submitting flat works (such as graphic posters)

Size: Up to B1, 1030mm x 728mm
(Both horizontal and vertical presentations are acceptable.)
Quantity: Up to 5 pieces for a work
*Flat pieces do not need to be pasted onto panels. It is acceptable to send them rolled. Be sure to package them so they will not to be damaged during shipping. For a series of pieces, write numbers in the upper left corner on the back of the pieces, indicating their order.

23-3. Submitting 3-dimensional works (such as real works or models)

For actual works or miniature models of the actual works
Size: Length should be 1000mm or less after packaging, with total measurements
(H+W+L) being no larger than 1500mm
Weight: 12kg or less in total after packaging
*When submitting flat explanatory material with the work,
Size: Up to A1, 841mm x 594mm
(Both horizontal and vertical presentations are acceptable.)
Quantity: Up to 5 sheets for a work
*Explanatory sheets do not need to be pasted onto panels. It is acceptable to send them rolled, but be sure to package them so they will not to be damaged during shipping.
*Write numbers in the upper left corner on the back of the sheets, indicating their order.

23-4. Submitting video works
Submission is acceptable in one of the following formats:
(1) Video format on DVD-R or CD-ROM
(2) Flash Player, Quick Time, or PowerPoint data files, saved on DVD-R or CD-ROM
*The video segment should be no longer than 3 minutes.
*When submitting flat explanatory material with video work, follow the same instructions as in [23-3].

23-5. Submitting Presentation Images

The final screening is open to the public. Presentations will be projected on a large screen in the hall for judgment by the committee's panel of judges as well as the audience. For this purpose, a visual presentation in PowerPoint format should be prepared including images of the entry work, explanatory material(s), concept of the work, creation process, etc.

23-6. Anonymity

Make sure that neither the applicant's name nor any other distinguishing mark that could possibly identify the applicant appears on the work.

23-7. Deadline for applying for the final screening
Deadline for applying for the final screening is 5:00 p.m. on September 9, 2008 (JST).
*Applicants who pass the first screening will be informed of the method and address for sending their works for the final screening.

Sponsor :
Nagoya International Design Competition Committee
Consisting of Nagoya City, International Design Center NAGOYA, Council of Chubu Design

Nagoya International Design Competition Secretariat :
International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.
Design Center Bldg., 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0008, Japan
PHONE:+81-52-265-2105 FAX:+81-52-265-2107
