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[補助]Nature in Neighborhoods restoration and enhancement grants(09/01/07)

Metro is now accepting grant applications for projects that connect citizens to their watershed through hands-on restoration activities and environmental education.

Pre-applications due Jan. 7, 2009

Metro's restoration and enhancement grants support individual, non-profit and government sponsored restoration, enhancement and education and efforts in regional watersheds. These grassroots, community-minded projects create new connections and improvements to neighborhoods, natural areas, backyards and beyond.

Download pre-application forms below.

Application timeline

Oct. 11, 2008 Grants workshops begin Jan. 7, 2009
Pre-applications due at Metro by 4 p.m.

Late January/early February 2009
Successful pre-applicants will be invited to submit final grant applications

Early April 2009
Final applications due to Metro

Mid-April 2009
Metro will invite applicants to a proposal showcase to give a brief presentation of their project

May 2009
Final grants awarded

Boots on the ground keep nature nearby

In 2006, the Metro Council approved a two-year, $1 million grant program to restore or enhance nature in urban areas around the region. Funds for the program were provided by Metro excise taxes collected on solid waste disposal during the last several years.

To date, Metro has awarded $1.23 million to support 42 nonprofit community groups, schools, businesses and local government agencies responsible for 64 projects in the region. Because some recipients were required to have matching funds, the total value of the grants awarded thus far is $4.6 million and counting.

This program engages citizens of all ages and backgrounds in the restoration and enhancement of their natural surroundings and helps keep nature in all our communities for this generation and those to come.

Find out more

To be added to the mailing list for upcoming funding opportunities under this program, call 503-797-1834 or send e-mail to kristin.blyler@oregonmetro.gov.

Need assistance?

Janelle Geddes

Download application forms

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Related Links

Nature in Neighborhoods capital grants

Metro seeks applications for capital projects that re-green and re-nature neighborhoods.


Metro is proud to provide funds for local projects that help create livable communities. Find information about Metro grant opportunities for topics of particular interest to you.

