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[設計]GE Edison Award(09.01.12)


The ultimate winner of the GE Edison Award is the project chosen from the Awards of Excellence winners and judged to have exceeded the performance of the others, based on the design criteria outlined in the Rules and Eligibility.

Rules and Eligibility — 2008 GE Edison Award

Rules, eligibility and entry requirements for submitting projects are provided below.

The deadline for receipt of entries to the 26th annual GE Edison Award Program is 12 January 2009.

All entries should be submitted to:
GE Edison Award Competition
GE Consumer & Industrial - Lighting
Attention: Cheryl Maenza
1975 Noble Road #315C
Cleveland, OH 44112 USA
Entries submitted to any other address will not be valid.


The GE Edison Award competition is open to all professional designers, architects, engineers, and consultants (except GE employees) who have made significant use of GE lamps in the submitted project. Only installations completed between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2008 may be submitted. Award winners and entrants in a previous GE Edison Award program may not resubmit previous entries, but are invited to submit new projects. Multiple projects may be submitted by the same entrant/entrants.

This competition is to find a work that makes significant and creative use of GE light sources (lamps and/or LEDs) in the submitted project. While the lighting installation need not be achieved exclusively through the use of GE light sources, the entry will be judged on the degree of achievement through the primary use of GE light sources.

Entry Requirements

Each entry must contain the following:

  1. A GE Edison Award Entry Form (hard copy) typed in English. The form may be downloaded here or requested by mail from the above address. Note: Entry Form may be included on the CD, but also must be submitted in hard copy format, complete with required signatures.
  2. 100-word (maximum) project overview describing the scope of the project in Microsoft® Word.
  3. Up to ten (10) digital images of the completed installation. Image requirements and guidelines:
    • Format:
      TIFF, PSD or JPEG (no text within image; TIFF format preferred)
    • Camera Quality:
      6 megapixels (minimum)
    • Dimensions:
      Approximately 3000 x 3000 pixels (tallest or widest dimension should be at least 3000 pixels)
    • Resolution:
      300 dpi (minimum)
    • Medium:
    • Naming Convention:
      Must be named to identify the title of the project and then also numbered to agree with the keyed description. Example: cleveland001.tif, cleveland002.tif
    Note: Two images submitted on the same digital "slide" will be counted as separate images toward the ten image maximum per project.

    Image quality is critical to the judging process. Avoid photographic fill light; however, if fill light is necessary, it must be clearly stated in the keyed description (#4 below). Images with daylighting and work that was not that of the submitting designer should also be identified clearly. Retouched or digitally-enhanced photographs are not allowed.

    Please refer to Submitting Images for additional details.
  4. A caption describing each image, clearly keyed to the respective project image and provided on a separate sheet. Captions should indicate references to specific light sources along with reasons for their selection and should describe the lighting system depicted in each photo by emphasizing the following judging criteria:
    • Functional excellence (15 points)
    • Architectural compatibility (15 points)
    • Effective use of state-of-the-art lighting products and techniques (15 points)
    • Appropriate color, form and texture revelation (15 points)
    • Energy effectiveness (15 points)
    • Cost effectiveness (15 points)
    • Additional features (10 points)
    In total, the combined captions should comprehensively describe the project in 500 words or less, and should include any notations about fill light, daylighting, etc., as defined in #3 above.
  5. A credit line and signature for each photographer used for the submitted project images (see Entry Form). The credit line should comprise the photographer's preference in format and content, for the purpose of identifying that photographer's work in published materials. (Example: "ABC Photography, Ltd".) Each project image must include clear reference to the photographer who should be credited for taking that photograph.
  6. A lamp and/or fixture schedule detailing specific lamp types and quantities.
  7. Optional: The following requirements apply only to projects submitted for an Award for Excellence in Environmental Design:
    Any project submitted to the GE Edison Awards program may also be considered for an Award for Excellence in Environmental Design. These designs, while providing high-quality lighting that meets the criteria mentioned in #4 above, should also demonstrate effective energy conservation, successfully integrate daylighting, ensure system durability and maintainability, control light pollution, or include other measures and innovative techniques and technologies that minimize impact on the environment. The following additional requirements apply:
    • A separate, 250-word (maximum) project overview describing the challenges, needs and solutions relative to the environmental aspect of the project.
    • Additional documentation, such as: energy code compliance forms, ENERGY STAR® building documentation, LEED® certification forms and utility program forms. For projects outside North America: documentation pertaining to building energy codes and relevant data from environmental or sustainable building design programs.

The entrant is responsible for the accuracy of any information submitted; and warrants that it has secured appropriate reproduction privileges, releases and approvals of all images and other materials submitted to GE for this competition and that the information contained in the lamp and fixture schedule is accurate and not misleading. All submitted material must be available for use by GE for promotional and advertising purposes including use on the World Wide Web. Photographers will receive credit for their work, but will not receive reimbursement or remuneration for published photographs.

Entries must be received by GE (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on 12 January 2009. GE is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, incomplete, destroyed or postage-due entries. Entry submissions will become the property of GE and will not be returned.

Please refer to the full Terms and Conditions, Entry Form, Submitting Images and Call for Entries.

ENERGY STAR® is a trademark of the U.S. EPA.
LEED® is a trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council.
Microsoft® is registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.








