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[Photography]Nature's Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards(09.05.04)


Nature's Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards

The editors of Nature’s Best Photography magazine invite all photographers to enter the 2009 Nature’s Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards competition. More than $15,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded. The winning photographs will be published in the Awards 2009 Collector’s Edition of Nature’s Best Photography, and may be selected for our annual exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, and displayed in other locations and photo gallery presentations related to the Awards competition. Entries are judged on technical quality, originality, and artistic merit.

DEADLINE: January 26 - May 4, 2009
Enter Online or by Mail postmarked or uploaded no later than May 4, 2009
with your paid Entry Fee of $25 US dollars only--no foreign checks.

Each submission is limited to no more than 20 images (35mm color slides, larger format color transparencies, or digitally captured images.) The total of up to 20 images costs an entry fee of $25 (US dollars--no foreign checks). Each submission MUST follow the guidelines as stated. NOTE: Prints and images on negative film are NOT accepted. Each submission MUST follow the guidelines below and be uploaded online or mailed in one package along with the Entry Fee and the completed Entry Form with ALL information filled out in clear, legible print or typed.

Download the Guidelines, Entry Form and Categories on PDF

ALL PHOTOGRAPHS must accurately reflect the subject matter as it appeared in the viewfinder. Nothing should be added to an image and, aside from dust spots, nothing should be taken away. Normal processing of RAW image files and minor adjustments to color and contrast are acceptable, as is minimal cropping. Select a category that you feel is the best fit for each image. Images may be entered into more than one category. Judges reserve the right to move images into alternate Categories as they see fit. See Categories in the Competition section of this website or on the Guidelines PDF. Exceptions: Anything goes in the Creative Digital category! Stitched panoramas may be entered in any category, but they must be identified.

Digital images should be taken with the camera set for the highest possible resolution. Create low-resolution jpegs (72 ppi) no larger than 500K for each of your images and label each file with your first and last name, very brief title such as the name of the species, and the category. (Example: JohnDoe_fox_wildlife.jpg) Follow the instructions on the Online Entry Form to upload your photos.

For photographers who enter online and make it into the final round of judging will be required to supply high-resolution files (and RAW files if available), a complete caption, and camera specifications. We will need high resolution (400 ppi) uncompressed and unsharpened .tiff images, measuring 8000 pixels on the longest side, which may be burned to as many CDs or DVDs as needed for the final round of judging, each labeled ‘HI-RES’. Tiff files, or the original RAW files, will be used for publication and/or exhibition if selected as a winner. Each electronic image must be labeled with your first and last name, very brief title such as the name of the species, and the category. (See example above) Each CD or DVD submitted must bear the photographer’s name, phone number, and state or country. Failure to supply requested materials will lead to disqualification. NOTE: Information on how to send high-resolution files electronically and accompanying caption information via FTP or other method will be provided to you.


When entering by mail: Be sure to include BOTH low and high resolution files or your transparencies along with the $25 entry fee (US dollars only--no foreign checks) and a completed 2009 Awards Entry Form (on PDF) with ALL information clearly filled out. Mail your submission to: 2009 Windland Awards, Nature's Best Publishing LLC, 11411-C Sunset Hills Road, Reston, VA 20190, USA. Phone number for Courier forms: 703-467-9783.


Digital images should be taken with the camera set for the highest possible resolution. Each electronic image must be label each file with your first and last name, very brief title such as the name of the species, and the category (Example: JohnDoe_fox_wildlife.jpg). Each CD or DVD must be labeled with your full name and phone number. When sending digital images by mail, send BOTH low and high resolution images with your original submission at following the specifications above for LOW RES and HIGH RES images:

  • Keep a copy of the images you submit on CDs or DVDs, as they will not be returned.
  • Low Resolution (72 ppi) jpeg copies of your images, measuring 1000 pixels on the longest side, must be burned to a single CD or DVD and labeled ‘LOW RES’ for preliminary judging.
  • High Resolution (400 ppi) uncompressed and unsharpened tiff files, measuring 8000 pixels on
    the longest side, may be burned to as many CDs or DVDs as needed for the final round of judging, each labeled ‘HIGH RES’. Tiff files, or the original RAW files, will be used for publication and/or exhibition if selected as a winner. (Include original RAW files with your submission if available.)

Original slides, or large format transparencies must be sent to us in protective plastic sheets (PrintFile brand, etc.). Each slide or transparency mount must bear the photographer’s contact information: name, phone number, e-mail, and state or country. NO GLASS MOUNTS!

  • High quality duplicate slides will be accepted (for preliminary judging only).
  • Digital scans of original slides or transparencies will be accepted for preliminary judging only (follow the specifications for low-res digital images above).
  • Original film images must be made available for final round judging.
  • SPECIFY METHOD OF RETURN: Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope of adequate size for the safe return of your materials, with sufficient postage. For courier returns, include a completed shipping form with a courier account or credit card number, expiration date, and security code for payment. Check or charge information for the amount of the return postage using the return method you request is acceptable in place of a SASE. Photos sent with insufficient return information will not be returned.

If mailed, a check or money order for $25 (US dollars only—no foreign checks) must be included with your entry, made out to: Nature’s Best Photography. Or you may use a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express charge card on your entry form, or phone in your information to 703-467-9783. Each submission must be accompanied by an entry form with all information clearly filled out.

Each mailed submission MUST be accompanied by a completed Entry Form (see PDF) with ALL information clearly filled out and Entry Fee payment ($25 US dollares--no foreign checks).

Download the Guidelines, Entry Form and Categories on PDF

Mailing address:
2009 Windland Awards
Nature’s Best Publishing, LLC
11411-C Sunset Hills Road
Reston, VA 20190

Phone: 703-467-9783

Call us at 703-467-9783 or send e-mail to: Awards@NaturesBestMagazine.com.

