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[設計]Photoshop Your Pet Design Challenge(08/11/30)

Adobe 的產品在出版業界中是全球領先品牌,目前正舉辦一項設計競賽。本競賽規則非常簡單:畫出出寵物的特點,取得更多積極的回饋,及募集金錢。作品繳交格式僅限制為JPG, PNG, or GIF且小於24MB。參賽者僅限制為美國居民(包含華盛頓特區),且須年滿13歲以上參加。報名截止日期為2008年11月30日

How to enter:

STEP 1: Compose a new email to: photoshopyourpet@email.smugmug.com

NOTE: Make SURE you send the email in PLAIN TEXT (not HTML or Rich Text or it won't work)

STEP 2: In the Subject line enter: designchallenge (Must be all lower case)

STEP 3: In the body of the email enter: Your name AND email AND your caption. Please limit caption to 5 words.

STEP 4: ONLY attach one photo per email. Only JPG, PNG, or GIF images less than 24MB will be accepted.

Step 5: Hit "Send". You are all done! (If you want to enter multiple entries, you must send one email per entry)

NOTE: We need to approve each photo that you upload, so please have patience for your photo to show up in this gallery.

